Thursday, September 10, 2015

Nerf Wars!

These darts are the bomb! Nerf Wars are to be expected in my house. And if someone has managed to find the darts that have been missing forever - you better watch out. Well...missing no more - this pack of 100 gets the job done!
They work well in our nerf guns and fire like any of the ones that would come with your gun. It may not be safe to come into our house for awhile once the adults...uh I mean kids...realize that there are plenty of darts to go around! I love them and can't wait to sneak up on someone and get 'em! ;)

* I received this product for free or at a discounted price in exchange for my honest review You can buy your own set below (affiliate link) 

1 comment:

  1. Dildos, Nerf Guns and Real Guns. October 16, 2015. Critics of the new "campus carry" law that will go into effect in Texas next year have become creative. Clicking Here
